WHO HAS BELIEVED OUR REPORT? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? [Isaiah 53v1] – New King James Version.
Our life is governed by the things we believe in. Some people will never drink cold water inconsiderable of the weather because there is a report of its effect on the human system. What do you believe? Many people believe the logical but will never believe anything which is beyond our normal thinking.
No matter how spiritual you are, sincerely admit it – God’s Word is not logical but always sound absurd but that is the very Words of the creator of the whole earth. The bible says, “The Words of the Lord are flawless; as gold is refined in a furnace on the earth, purified seven times. [see Psalm 12v6]. Meaning in the hardest condition, the Word will not fail to work.
But people choose not to believe in God’s Word but will believe medical reports or what people tell them. There was a research made on two groups of people, one group was actually suffering from a particular disease but was told otherwise by doctors and the other group vice versa. The first group believed the report of the doctors and every symptoms was gone but the second report thought about the report given to them and even though they were not suffering from that disease began to experience the very symptoms of that disease. Whose report do you believe??
God’s Word says, “By His stripes, you WERE healed” [1 Peter 2v24]. Meaning I cannot be sick because Jesus was punished 2000 years [even before I was born] that bought for me my health but you may feel sick but that does not mean you are sick. This may not sound logical but is the operation of your TV remote logical?? Think about it. If you will believe God’s Word wholeheartedly, you will begin to see its fruit in your life.