He has delivered us from the power of darkness and CONVEYED US INTO THE KINGDOM of the Son of His love. [Colossians 1v13] – NKJV
Kingdom is a merging of two words; king and domain. A kingdom is a domain or territory ruled by a king. History records the Ashanti Empire or kingdom which exerted power over central Ghana to present-day Benin and Ivory Coast. The Roman Empire had their share of dominion over many colonies.
The idea of a kingdom is nothing but a king exercising dominion over his territories. There are two main kingdoms; kingdom of darkness (satan is the head) and the kingdom of light with God as the Head. Scriptures reveal that salvation conveyed us from the kingdom of darkness to God’s kingdom. Meaning a change of lordship from the devil to God.
Lordship implies God’s rulership over our lives. Is He Lord over your life? Does His Word sounds like the words of your master? Do you know you have been bought by God (see 2 Peter 2v1)? Psalm 100v3 even says, “Know that the Lord (our Master), He is God; it is He who has made us and not we ourselves…
God basically owns us so let us reverence Him as our great Master and His Word us the words of our Lord. If we will enjoy our stay in His kingdom, we need to allow His dominion in our life.