For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. [John 3v16] – New King James Version
God sacrificed His best – Jesus and it birth enough power to save the whole of humanity. In every religion this truth stand firm – sacrifice produces power. What level of power or privileges do you want to walk in? What are you willing to sacrifice? Everything in the kingdom of God has a value tag even salvation (see Romans 10v9).
There are certain things many people will not experience because they are not willing to sacrifice. There are some things which will only be a cliché to others but real to those who will be willing to go deeper in the things of God. The bible records that none of Samuel’s words fell to the ground. You may think he was God’s favourite but we know that God shows no partiality. Samuel was willing to pay for the value of what he was walking in. What are you willing to give up?
You need power to walk in the next level. What are you willing to pay? You are right in the centre of your level of commitment to God. If you want to go to the next level, you need to deepen your level of commitment. Go deeper in Word studies, prayer, fasting and level of obedience cuz it is the key for the next level.
Bishop David Oyedepo once said, “How much you are willing to pay determines how much value you are willing to take. You can’t take any more than what you are willing to pay”. If God needed to sacrifice Jesus to regain the world to Himself then let us learn to sacrifice for the level we want to walk into or we will only be daydreaming.