And when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. The king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?" [Daniel 6v20] – New King James Version
No one can measure the power that will be released through us if we will be consistent in our walk with God. Commitment has been an alien word in the Christendom nowadays but it forms the very foundation of our faith. No one can measure the level of transformation in our life if we will be consistent enough to spend an hour every morning with God.
Daniel was of such quality – consistent in his pursuit after God, especially in his prayer life. The bible records that there was a decree made by king Darius that no one should petition (pray) to any other god or man for thirty days except to him in which Daniel knew very well. The verse 10 says, “Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, AS WAS HIS CUSTOM SINCE EARLY DAYS”.
It’s true that Daniel loved God even more than his very life but I also believe he was so eaten up in his commitment to prayer that he forgot there was any such decree. Oh! How blessed will our lives be if we were committed to prayer as Daniel? I believe Daniel did not start at that level of commitment to prayer but there were days he did not feel** like praying but he did pray anyway or even did not pray. The secret is if we do not grow weary in due season our acidic commitment will emerge (see Galatians 6v9).
So don’t lose heart when it seems you are not making any headway or when your tenacity dwindles when you make any progress. Keep up to it and it will produce. Commitment to anything produces acidic results whether good or bad but what if we become unwavering in our prayer life, quiet time, exercising our faith or putting the Word to work. There is power in consistency so keep up!!