Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ* depart from iniquity."[2 Timothy 2:19] – New King James Version
There is no other way to live the Christian life than to walk on the path of righteousness. Separation from any other thing that takes the glory or presence [FIRE] of God from us should be the very heartbeat of every believer. We can’t play games with God.
There is no double life in our walk with God - you are either in to walk pure or you better walkout. The Word says, “Let EVERYONE who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity”. We can fool anyone around us but the invisible beings and demons know who we really are.
Playing games will not help us in any way. If you have taken God for granted or you are living in sin and still call yourself a Christian or you have become cold, there is a way out. Tell yourself that this Christian faith is no place to play games. Say game over and be serious for once!!